爆紅縫合遊戲《幻獸帕魯》(Palworld)上週末 Steam 同接 210 萬再創新高,當遊戲後期征服所有塔主、帕魯捕獲全圖鑑後,玩家為愛想歪的敲碗玩家呼籲開發商 Pocketpair 推出「人帕交合功能」,為本作增添瑟瑟樂趣。人帕
《幻獸帕魯》允許玩家在開放世界抓怪蓋房,交合19 級就能蓋「配種牧場」,功能鼓掌搭配 15 級解鎖的丟牧料理「蛋糕」,無須上山下海就能孕育棲息各式環境的場起帕魯(傳說級除外)。
根據 Reddit 網友建立的表格,搶先體驗版本 v1.3.0 收錄 19,帕魯044 種繁殖組合,Pocketpair 曾表示正式版將加入 PvP 功能,玩家為愛未來藉由配種調和出繼承黃金特性的敲碗帕魯至關重要。
有玩家將帕魯球擲向人類,人帕被係統稱作不人道的交合行為(支解還不會被警告),雖然人類手工勞動力僅 1 級,但部分 NPC 提供商城功能,捕獲後無需再跑大老遠交易素材與帕魯。
目前守衛、塔主、商人、帕保團體、盜獵者……甚至是村民都能抓,可惜的是,無法將捕獲的人類 NPC 舉起來並丟進配種牧場,人類 NPC 本身也沒有性別。
Hear me out…. I think @Palworld_EN needs to add a feature where you can breed the human’s and pals so we can get some freaky looking things. pic.twitter.com/56k6VpKxMc
— ELCHIPPYY (@ElChippyy) January 26, 2024
或許是在開玩笑,不少玩家在 X 分享自己角色與蠟魯的親密互動,特別是人型帕魯強壯的手臂、引人遐想的豐腴身材,似乎對某些不獸控製的人特別有吸引力,期待官方正式加入人帕雜交功能,讓《幻獸帕魯》推向另一境界的神作。
Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pal breeding, Lovander is the most compatible Pal for humans? Not only are they in the Neutral egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Lovander are an average of 7ft tall and 150 pounds this means... pic.twitter.com/Bm4IsttSHK
— Iko 🛎️👻【VTuber】 (@UndeadIkoVT) January 29, 2024
Loupmoon puts his massive paw on your head as you pet and rub his midriff. Imagine how well those powerful hands can hold onto you as he rawdogs you from behind, if only @Palworld_EN would add in Pal/Human mating mechanic to Palworld. pic.twitter.com/uVL7E73YXz
— アモラバニー (@AmoraBunny) January 27, 2024
Day 4 of me begging to Please add Pal/Human mating, I’m going to keep begging everyday to unleash my ability to strap this hot & thicc bushel of berries to my bed. pic.twitter.com/ysIO17mju1
— アモラバニー (@AmoraBunny) January 24, 2024
《幻獸帕魯》目前在 Xbox One、Xbox Series X/S、Steam 與 Xbox Game Pass(Xbox/PC/雲端遊戲)推出。