FromSoftware 魂係 RPG《艾爾登法環》主線 Boss「碎星將軍拉塔恩」是歲自碎星玩家的夢靨之一,然而海外一位 8 歲玩家獨自擊敗他完全不靠大人協助,閉童更沒有召喚 NPC 助戰,單挑高超的擊敗薦進軍黃金樹技巧令其他網友讚嘆不已。
網友 @jnoe33 在 X(前推特)分享自己罹患自閉症的法環兒子在無人協助的情況下,一邊握著手把興奮跳來跳去,拉塔一邊與螢幕裡惡名昭彰碎星將軍激鬥,恩觀彷彿跟角色同步動作、眾推靈活的幽影像隻袋鼠。
《法環》玩家在打特定 Boss 時通常可召喚友軍一起打王,歲自碎星雖然王的閉童血量會因此變多,但可分散注意力、單挑幫坦致命招式,擊敗薦進軍黃金樹但這位 8 歲男孩獨自對抗拉塔恩,法環集結敵人的拉塔所有仇恨值和攻擊於一身,他老爸還說兒子的角色等級其實不高。
My son has recently got into gaming, and of course, he wants to play elden Ring. He has autism and is 8 years old and is very low level and refuses to let me help him at all. This is him fighting Radahn. @Schrodingersba4 @NightSkyPrince_ @philipharts @_subtxt_ @BltzZ7
— Jnoe33 (@jnoe33) July 1, 2024
影片貼出 6 個小時累積超過 500 萬次觀看、7.4 萬讚,許多《艾爾登法環》粉絲讚嘆 8 歲玩家的實力與天賦,畢竟僅有 53.9% 的 Steam 玩家擊敗碎星拉塔恩,有人指出這位小夥能利用動作閃避拉塔恩的大範圍攻擊,完美發揮無敵時間(I-frames)的效果。
在 Boss 發動一連串攻擊威脅褪色者性命時,這個孩子還多次回頭看鏡頭、單手拿著手把,老爸也不懂他兒子怎麼辦到的,且堅持在喝水補血時總是用一隻手,另名網友則解釋角色在喝水時隻能走路,所以留一支手調整鏡頭,但泰然自若的態度還是讓大家讚嘆。
cause the character cant move when drinking. if you notice he goes one handed every time the character is stuck in animation and can’t move (attack animations, flask drinking), so no need for left hand but still use of the right hand to adjust camera
— Gabriel (@Lystme) July 1, 2024
許多老褪色者自嘆不如,也有人推薦這位孩子挑戰最近發售的《黃金樹之影》,即便本篇主線後半段沒全解完,打敗碎星將軍後再打鮮血君王蒙格,就能到幽影之地麵對更困難的 Boss 和敵人。
doubters can suck it, watching your son reminded me of myself (i am autistic as well) when i was his age playing games on my dad's pentium 3 computer while standing up in front of the desk and jumping around the same way. encourage his hobbies and make sure there's lots of 'em 🙂
— Lightbringer (@LightBlunter666) July 1, 2024