卡普空電競官方推特 Capcom Fighters 於今(15)日宣布,快打跨性《快打旋風》美國跨性別職業選手 Gllty(Leah 'Gllty' Hayes)因涉及對多數玩家性騷擾,旋風性騷將對 Gllty 實行禁賽處份。別選除非有任何例外情況,手G賽處否則 Gllty 不得參加任何全球 CPT 以及 SFL (Street Fighter League)賽事。遭控
Capcom response to allegations against Leah “Gllty” Hayes pic.twitter.com/ba7QsZFmZV
— Capcom Fighters (@CapcomFighters) August 15,普空 2019
早在卡普空發出公告之前,社群上已經有不少關於 Gllty 性騷擾或肢體暴力的祭全討論,還有玩家表示曾在 CEO 2015 被 Gllty 騷擾。面禁而 Gllty 本人也在個人推特自首「確實對多位女性性騷擾,快打跨性且對方也有表達不適感」。旋風性騷
Throwback Mondays: Gllty physically assaults GiefKid for losing a money match from r/Kappa
I've flirted with a lot of women, and in more than once instance I've made them feel uncomfortable. I've made mistakes with boundaries, and I'm aware I've hurt people.
— GRPT|gllty (ギル姐) (@gllty) August 12, 2019
There's a lot going on with regards to safety and comfort in event spaces. I've received a lot of harassment--
根據卡普空聯賽行為準則,Capcom 或聯賽籌辦方得酌情決定立即取消違反規定者的手G賽處參賽資格。不隻卡普空官方,遭控包含美國格鬥遊戲綜合賽事 Combo Breaker 和 East Coast Throwdown 都在 14 日透過官方推特公布禁止 Gllty 參賽。普空
-Street Fighter 聯賽行為準則
雖然 Gllty 已對騷擾事件表示歉意,但目前仍未對卡普空禁賽一事回應。
I tried to tweet about this last year, during the #metoo stuff.
— GRPT|gllty (ギル姐) (@gllty) August 12, 2019
I guess I forgot and quickly remembered I was transgender and people were more rabidly hungry to see me burn than to care about the content of what I was saying, so I was chickenshit and deleted it. Heres that tweet pic.twitter.com/sR0J31HhzZ